Pool Covers


How to Prevent Pool Cover Problems: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to Romanelli & Son Pool Service, your trusted partner in pool maintenance and care. With years of experience serving the Long Island community, we understand the unique needs and challenges that come with pool ownership. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into a critical aspect of pool maintenance that often goes overlooked but is ...


Get a Head Start on Safety with our August Pool Cover Installation Promotion

Greetings, fellow Long Island pool owners! We’re excited to announce an upcoming promotion that you’ll find extremely beneficial. As seasoned pool experts serving the Long Island community, we understand the value of preparation, particularly when it comes to preparing your swimming pool for the off-season. As the autumn leaves start to hint at their fall, ...


Preparing for Your Pool Closing: A Comprehensive Guide to Ordering a Replacement Loop-Loc Pool Cover

In this blog post, we will dive into an essential topic for a pool owner – the process and importance of a replacement Loop-Loc pool cover in preparation for the pool closing season. There are multiple benefits of Loop-Loc covers. These covers are more than just a pool accessory. They offer unmatched safety and peace ...


Which Safety Cover is Best for Your Pool? The 4 Types of Loop Loc Pool Covers and the Pros and Cons of Each

In the world of pool maintenance and care, one aspect that often gets overlooked is the importance of a good pool cover. More than just a piece of fabric across your pool, a pool cover is your pool’s best defense against debris, evaporation, and even the harsh effects of changing weather. It’s an essential piece ...


What Does An Air Pillow Do For A Pool?

We’re here today to talk about pool air pillows – the unsung hero that protects your above-ground pool over the harsh, cold winter. A pool pillow can make the somewhat daunting process of protecting your pool over the winter a whole lot easier. So, grab a warm drink, and let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of ...

How Much Weight Can a Pool Cover Hold Blog Banner

How Much Weight Can A Winter Pool Cover Hold?

Winter is coming (well, it’s already here) and that means it’s time to break out the winter pool cover. But have you ever wondered just how much weight these covers can handle? We’ve all seen those impressive videos of snow-covered rooftops collapsing under the weight of heavy snowfall, and you don’t want that to happen ...